Monday, January 7, 2013

I live in a retirement community in Marana, Arizona. About a year ago, the Education Coordinator for Sunflower Computer Club sent out a request asking for people to teach classes. I have spent nearly 30 years with Apple products, and I just love my iPad and iPhone as well. Actually, in our home we have two iPhones, two iPads, and a Macbook Pro.  I began about a year ago to teach iPad classes for the Sunflower Computer Club. After teaching a class, I come home and say to my husband, "This is my favorite thing I have ever done!" There is a great feeling of satisfaction to help older retired people use technology to enhance their life. In example, Mae showed up at one of my earliest classes. I always start out by saying, "What do you want to do with your iPad?" So Mae raises her hand and quietly says,

"Well, I will be 90 in December, and my sons [four of them] sent me an iPad. They want me to send them an email every day. In the email they want me to tell them two things: 'I got up, and I am ok!' " What Mae wanted to know was... "How can I send just one email and it goes to each of them?" I just loved it! What great sons she has!

Increasingly, the seniors in our neighborhood are finding satisfaction and enjoyment in technology. Many of them are long time users of computers and some have never touched a computer. For each of them, we are moving forward together to make technology a part of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! What a GREAT teacher to have! When I get my Ipad - I want you to help me!
