Thursday, March 14, 2013

I Lost My iPad. No. Really.

I lost my iPad a couple of weeks ago. I was eating lunch with a friend and I had it out in the restaurant. When I left, I did not stick it back in my bag. I just had it in my hand (first mistake). As I was walking to my car, I noticed this little gift shop was open, so I stepped in there to talk to the salesperson about an item I had seen a few months earlier. As she showed it to me, I must have just absentmindedly set my iPad down on the display table to look at the item. I ended up making the purchase, picked up a business card from the business and headed home. I needed to hurry home because I was going to teach an iPad class in my neighborhood Center. Yes. Really. I get ready to go, and........ "Where is my iPad?" Long story short,  I had to go set up for my class without my iPad. Denny said he would call the restaurant and the gift store. Much to my embarassment, he showed up at my iPad class and handed me my iPad. Phewwww! Close one! So, what to do if you lose your iPad? Go to a computer. Log in to iCloud. Click on Find my iPad.  Make sure that you have gone into settings on your iPhone, iPad or other device and said "Find my iPad (on)".

So, as you can see, I can find my iPad NOW because it is at home and online, but in the previous scenario, it was locked and offline. So, thankfully I have a husband that would go looking.

Don't lose your iPad.

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